Earlier, it was established in most Indian households that in a marriage, the husband would be the financial provider and the wife would be the caregiver of the household. But as expenses began to rise, women too joined the workforce, and families became nuclear, it was established that both partners had to contribute towards running the household and taking care of the family.
That is how it should be. If both partners have their own unit and are working professionals, it makes sense for both persons to split the responsibilities of running the household. Otherwise, it puts too much pressure on a single individual.

However, a man took to Reddit’s r/AskIndia subreddit to share how his wife wants the two of them to take equal responsibility of performing household chores but wants him to completely financially provide for the family. The wife earns a little less than the husband, who offered to split the expenses 60-40, if not 50-50. But the wife isn’t agreeing to it. In fact, she wants him to entirely pay for vacations as well.
“My wife wants me to do and support fully in household chores 50 to 50. She wants me to pay for vacations fully. Every other responsibility in our marriage is on my shoulders. If I ask her to go to a relative’s place she denies. Denies visiting my father and mother. So I brought up that all responsibility should be equally distributed. If it’s a household and we are getting a full-time maid we should split the bills. Even 60-40 is okay. But she changes the tone to olden times now. Is marriage only men’s thing to take responsibility and no equal partnership? (sic)”

Have a look at his full post here:
What should bey idle response to wife when she denies splitting bills telling why you married if you cannot take responsibility of wife? She earns only 10℅ less than me.
byu/Aware_Pick_832 inAskIndia
Several people online called the wife out for propagating unequal distribution of labour and finances in their marriage. They called her “entitled” and claimed that she keeps switching from “modern” to “traditional” at her own convenience. They asked the man to openly talk about finances with his wife and urge her to equally contribute to the household.
Have a look at some of the reactions here:
byu/Aware_Pick_832 from discussion
byu/Aware_Pick_832 from discussion
byu/Aware_Pick_832 from discussion
byu/Aware_Pick_832 from discussion
byu/Aware_Pick_832 from discussion
byu/Aware_Pick_832 from discussion
byu/Aware_Pick_832 from discussion
byu/Aware_Pick_832 from discussion
What do you think he should do?